Check & Score

What is Check&Score?

After pandemics, the shift to remote working has prompted cyber-attacks, breaches and other criminal activities over the internet. It is suggested that in 2020 and 2021, the risk of being attacked increased exponentially compared to prior to the pandemics.

Although companies have accelerated their digital transformation, they cannot identify their risk levels and exposures. Many researchers have reported that human error —by almost 80%- and wrong cybersecurity practices are the major causes of cyberattacks.

As stated by Gartner:

"By 2022, cybersecurity ratings will become as important as credit ratings when assessing the risk of existing and new business relationships…Over the next five years, these services will become a precondition for business relationships and part of the standard of due care for providers and procurers of services. Additionally, the services will have expanded their scope to assess other areas, such as cyber insurance, due diligence for M&A and even as a raw metric for internal security programs.”

Source: Gartner Innovation Insight for Security Rating Services, 2018