Check & Score

Why Score?

Each day businesses are getting more and more reliant on information technologies and infrastructures.

IT standards, best practices, common criteria, and alike provide practical guidelines. However, sometimes it is hard to evaluate or assess the security posture and contrast it with the optimal configuration. Check&Score provides an efficient and feasible solution through identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses within your systems.

Check&Score provides interactive online assessment, which in return, you will find your scores in terms of compliances in-line with the accredited global standards. It helps your organisation detect flaws and improve security measures via actionable remediation across your business. It is an easy and secure path to knowing Thyself in order to prevent harmful disruptions either to your data or systems.

Not only is Check&Score for one-time assessment, but also it is to track and assess your organisation's maturity level on various applications, standards or regulations such as GDPR Readiness, Information Security Management System (ISMS-ISO/EAC27001), and more.